穷水镜 Reflection of All Waters
穷水镜 Reflection of All Waters

穷水镜 Reflection of All Waters

5 首歌

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穷水镜 Reflection of All Waters

穷水镜 Reflection of All Waters

World Synth Records

专辑发行时间 2021-10-31
建立于 2021-11-17


我心已死World Synth Records WSR-C02
《穷水镜 Reflection of All Waters》

由槟榔袋鼠、洪御、Sun Jenga 所共同建构的世界观,以氛围音乐作为发想,集结了 天、地、水 等元素,完成此张合辑《穷水镜》,并藉以推广合成器音乐。

"Reflection of All Waters" is a split album of ambient music and synthesizer sounds. Three artists of different styles, Betelnut Kangaroo, Hom Yu, and Sun Jenga, introduce you to a mystic world, where sky, earth, and water are considered as three elements that compose the whole of nature.

released October 31, 2021

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