People Rocking Glasses 酷炫眼镜人
People Rocking Glasses 酷炫眼镜人

People Rocking Glasses 酷炫眼镜人


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People Rocking Glasses 酷炫眼镜人

People Rocking Glasses 酷炫眼镜人


发表时间 2018-05-22


这首歌是麋鹿王国David和法国电音制作人Paski的合作,由MLK麋鹿王国David词曲创作及主唱,加上法国电音型男Paski的编曲及制作,由法国Juston 唱片公司出品,跨国界的合作,呈现出这首“People Rocking Glasses" 完全不同于市场口水歌的独特风格!麋鹿王国推出的歌曲维持一贯的乐观态度,加上天性浪漫的法国制作人Paski,不论是曲风还是词曲,这首”People Rocking Glasses 酷炫眼镜人“表现出希望每个人可以勇敢做自己,不需要在意别人的眼光,这个世界总会有属于你自己的一片天。

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歌词 动态歌词

词曲:David Lin 编曲/制作:Paski 主唱:MLK麋鹿王国
Your high heels are not fancy enough for this
party full of people laughing to our face
You know, the arcade house is open down the street
and we belong with those people rocking glasses
My best shoes are not shiny enough for this
party full of people laughing to our face
You know, the arcade house is open down the street
and we belong with those people rocking glasses
Your best dress isn't tiny enough for this
party full of people laughing to our face
You know, the arcade house is open down the street
and we belong with those people rocking glasses
My best shirt isn't pricy enough for this
party full of people laughing to our face
You know, the arcade house is open down the street
and we belong with those people rocking glasses
Your high heels are not fancy enough for this
party full of people laughing to our face
You know, the arcade house is open down the street
and we belong with those people rocking glasses
My best shoes are not shiny enough for this
party full of people laughing to our face
You know, the arcade house is open down the street
and we belong with those people rocking glasses
I think I'll blow my laundry money all tonight
I got a pocket full of quarters just for you and I
You know, the arcade house is where we should've come
all along with these people rocking glasses

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