desert night-恶魔之歌
desert night-恶魔之歌

desert night-恶魔之歌


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desert night-恶魔之歌

desert night-恶魔之歌


发表时间 2024-05-20



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Beneath the desert moon's glow,
Whispers of sand secrets flow.
Her eyes, like jewels, shine so bright,
His heart races in the soft twilight.

Dance with me where sands kiss the sky,
To ancestral rhythms, we'll fly.
In love's oasis, our souls ignite,
Beneath the veil of the Arabian night.

Silk and spices scent the air,
Oud melodies weave tales rare.
Hand in hand, we move as one,
In a timeless dance, our hearts spun.

Dance with me where sands kiss the sky,
To ancestral rhythms, we'll fly.
In love's oasis, our souls ignite,
Beneath the veil of the Arabian night.

Drums echo our pulse's beat,
Mystic waltz, our fate complete.
In each gaze, our story unfolds,
Souls entwined, a tale of old.

As dawn approaches, skies alight,
We'll remember this mystical night.
With songs and memories burning bright,
We'll carry the warmth of the Arabian night.

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