Make Some
Make Some

Make Some

PopU.TA _ Limited Edition 2018

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Make Some

Make Some

U.TA 屋塔
U.TA 屋塔

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发表时间 2018-12-24


2018.12.24 平安夜全球正式数位上架

在这个世纪末,多数人都在迎接新世纪的喧嚣、欢愉与热闹,但U.TA屋塔乐队 一行人们却是在迎接他们的蜕变。继《香》、《雾Mist》腼腆诉说著爱情故 事,一路延伸至贺尔蒙在身体感官里蔓延的变化,性感的情节让所有聆听者脸红心跳。三部曲最终章,《Make Some》将之前整个系列的言情湿溽,拉回到最当初爱是唯一的心动场景,“原來遇見恋人就是遇見平行时空的自己,如此的了解又熟悉”,世上如此多人是哪來的机率找到彼此,直视著对方瞬间浓情蜜意,唱著“We should take a walk and make some love. We should take a walk and make some noise.”等不及要开始这段热恋,甚至想要占有、甚至希望成为彼此的一部分。在新的一年,既使生活再烂有你在身旁,我就会好好活著,变成你的希望。
原來《Make Some》的轻快浪漫,就是最浓烈的爱意。

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We should take a walk and make some love
We should take a walk and make some noise
breathing Kissing slowly

We should take a walk and make some love
We should take a walk and make some noise
Screaming singing sweetly

sweet blossem words , we talk
Unreal rosy glow , close your eyes
dark lonely heart , deeply in my minds
Stay alone , no more

Did you ever fear the calls never come?
Did you ever seek the falling stars in the dark?
Did you ever dream the night we get along?
Did you ever breathe within something getting cold?

Let’s get drunk now , stay out this wonderworld
Did you ever breathe within something getting cold?

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好喜欢的呀 为什么没有评论呢 那我做第一个叭 听得真的好舒服