Every homie from the city gon'na lay back
Get some money and fanny and then lay back
Double two one bros now loading their packs yeah
Double two one lay back like a wack yeah
It starts from zero to hero 没愧对任何期待
Double one的mankind 会把那些haters 击败
天龙国的周围 我是new blood那些OG的后辈
播放我的歌 所有烂货都先后退
现在凭著自己就能赚到大把 钞票
成就爆表 跟他们说那小子有梦
bring some money and fame, fanny I aimed b ack home
油门踩到底 写歌来成就我的道理
别著急 拿下王位前我会不断地不断的努力
当胜利的号角响起 看我扬眉吐气
The way to success, don't need to care bout' what they said
I'll do it my way, before the fame I'llconcentrate
这游戏谁能玩得起 Bad motherfucker' like me
神气地将我头抬起 别再来过问我来历
Every homie from the city gon'na lay back
Get some money and fanny and then lay back
Double two one bros now loading their packs yeah
Double two one lay back like a wack yeah
身上布满了灯光 多想一捕所有风光
身上镶金 也想带著荣耀光荣返乡
一路上杀破重围 uh 过关斩将
孤军奋战 仍胜券在握 不须调兵遣将
Fuck these rapper mainstream 没有强大的制作
总有一天你 技术高超也会被人识破
到底谁有实力 谁能够长久光芒四射
后台硬的人 我场子还是比你炙热
show me what you got, you said you're flow so hot
屌打116 别说MC都来自木栅
Stay high music on your way 我就是如此放荡