Christine In Wonderland
Christine In Wonderland

Christine In Wonderland

JazzSeek and Find

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Christine In Wonderland

Christine In Wonderland


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发表时间 2024-06-25


Christine in Wonderland 克莉丝汀在奇幻地
In a new tempo, I open the adventure of the unknown. I see the flowers and embrace the thorns......


人声 Vocal - 徐晨曦 Christine Xu

吉他 Guitar - 陈泽然 Chris Chen 

贝斯 Bass - 吴雯君 Wenjun Wu

鼓 Drums - 武勇恒 Yongheng Wu


所有作品由徐晨曦作曲作词,除了“Ask,Seek,Knock”(04)音乐部分为乐手即兴演奏All compositions and Lyrics by Christine Xu,except for the music part of “Ask,Seek,Knock”(04),which is a musician’s improvisation

编曲Arrangements by 徐晨曦Christine Xu(01-10); “Tranquil”(02)、“Christine in Wonderland”(05)、“Love Suffers Long”(06) arrangement by 陈泽然Chris Chen and 徐晨曦Christine Xu

录音Recorded by 李游YouLi, 张宇涵Yuhan Zhang, 邢铜Tong Xingat 55TEC, Beijing, CN(01/April、22/June/2023; 25/March/2024)

剪辑Edited by 李杨Yang Li, 张宇涵Yuhan Zhang, 武勇恒YongHeng Wu,邢铜Tong Xing, at 55TEC, Beijing, CN

混音&母带Mixed&Mastered by Dave Darlington at Bass Hit Recording, NYC, USA (03/Sep/2023; 15/April/2024)

制作Produced by 徐晨曦Christine Xu

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New, something new and something old,
Something come and something go,
And I grow more to hold those unreal or real.
I fall down the rabbit hole alone,
It’s a real wonderland that was unknown
Leading to path of blossom and the thorns I through.

New, something new and something old,
Something come and something go,
And I grow, and I grow, and I grow, and I grow...

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