22cats - Undecided EP - 01 Forever Low
22cats - Undecided EP - 01 Forever Low

22cats - Undecided EP - 01 Forever Low

RockUndecided EP

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22cats - Undecided EP - 01 Forever Low

22cats - Undecided EP - 01 Forever Low


发表时间 2018-08-26


开场曲Forever Low是关于一对伴侣为何要逃离世界的故事。由结他手阿杰主唱,再加上乐队Rachel Believes in Me的小蕊客串和唱,感觉苦涩。歌曲中段加上多年来一直在主流歌手演唱会中颇受欢迎的Drum Solo,最后由客席乐手My Little Airport成员林阿P奏出失心疯钢琴,荒凉收场。

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Forever Low (Written by 22cats)
When I'm alone
I'll say my prayer
Oh Lord
I need more time
If there's a cave
Where nobody knows
I'll stay
It's paradise
I'm tired
We're tired
If I stay low
I will let go
Of you and me
Forever low

But that's not what I want

The world in my eyes is not
Somewhere that we belong to

I'm tired
We're tired

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