Be My Kind
Be My Kind

Be My Kind


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Be My Kind

Be My Kind


发表时间 2021-07-30


我想在这个世界 找到能让我 做回自己的人

AGG 林佩薇 [ Be My Kind ]
自我喊话 呼唤同类 做回自己


AGG 林佩薇,沈寂6年再出发。

摆荡在音乐与现实之间,AGG 不曾间断地提升自己。除了创作跟表演之外,不论是演唱会乐手、编曲、音乐制作都勇于尝试。想在这个音乐的洪流里,找到自己的定位跟喜欢音乐的初衷。可走过这些年的历程,却都无法说服她“这就是我”。


“没有了音乐的我,会是什么?”2021年 AGG [ Be My Kind ] 以另类电子回应这一路上内心的挣扎与迷惘。面对“自我存在”的“不确定感”,只能不断思索存在的意义,创作上写了又改,改了又写,就为了找出自己音乐该有的样子,诚实地拥抱自己。

[ Be My Kind ] 邀请生命树_小王子合作一场音乐思辩之旅,探索潜意识的自我怀疑,穿梭在光影明灭之隙,在多重自我叠影中一一辨析。混音与母带后期邀请英国著名音乐人Caesar Edmunds、John Davis,赋予音乐深层重击。新锐导演杨世全,打造 AGG 内心场景,在镜像与反射之境,寻找深藏碎片之中的真我。

*AGG 林佩薇:“知道该怎么活著比较轻松,可就是不愿这样挥霍生命。”



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【 Be My Kind 】

Birds flew back the nest
Sunset to the end
What is left for me after all this
I hide my secret
With faith against all odds
Hiding if you like hide and seek

Got to be my kind
Got to be my kind
Fawning over them bleeds my heart
To live to keep me alive
You and I are just alike
Something that we all cannot deny
Got to be my kind

What is right or wrong
Don’t you get the hint?
Is this in your gene to bail on me?
I hide my secret
With faith against all odds
Hiding if you like hide and seek

Got to be my kind
Got to be my kind
Fawning over them bleeds my heart
To live to keep me alive.

You and I are just alike
Something that we all cannot deny
Got to be my kind

Sell your soul and be a dead man
Sell your soul and be a dead man
Sell your soul and be a dead man

You and I are just alike ~ can’t deny
Got to be my kind

Sell your soul and be a dead man
Sell your soul and be a dead man
Sell your soul and be a dead man

I hide my secret
With faith against all odds
Hiding if you like

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