Repay you
Repay you

Repay you


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Repay you

Repay you

牛舌草 Bugloss
牛舌草 Bugloss

发表时间 2012-08-12


人都不完美,是需要被接纳、被爱的。而我们身边有人总是愿意接纳我们的,不将缺点成为阻碍,无条件爱我们。”Repay you”这首歌是以受惠者的立场诉说心声。因为要感谢的事情太多,要回报的情感太浓烈了,既然一时无法诉尽,那么就用这首歌来时时提醒自己要记得心存感谢。

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They say I got no face
Is it really my fate
They may discriminate
In favor of my face
Is there any place I can stay
Somebody makes me feel OK

Then I saw you show
You look really special
My face won't be obstacle
You love me unconditional
You say that love should be as well
I don't know why you tell me so
All I want is thank you
But nothing I can do
To repay you
To repay you

All I want is thank you
But nothing I can do
To repay you
To repay you
To repay you

(All I want is to repay you)

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