The Waiting List
The Waiting List

The Waiting List

AlternativeStorybook Summer

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The Waiting List

The Waiting List


发表时间 2018-07-13


I’m a terrible person,
And if I could I would,
Get rid of the names ontop of you,
And put you on the first.

It’s weird to talk about what we wouldn’t speak of.
It’s terrible to sit on the porch alone,
But don’t look at me like you know what’s next just yet,
You don’t know the days, we thought we did.

Don’t look at me like you have to leave, now.
(Not yet. Not yet.)
Don’t look at me like you have to leave, now.
(Not yet. Not yet.)
Don’t look at me like you have to leave, now.
(Not yet. Not yet.)
Don’t look at me like you have to leave, now.
(Not yet. Not yet.)

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