The Wild Kids (feat Putad Pihay)
The Wild Kids (feat Putad Pihay)

The Wild Kids (feat Putad Pihay)


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The Wild Kids (feat Putad Pihay)

The Wild Kids (feat Putad Pihay)


发表时间 2023-10-17


  • Putad Pihay


"The Wild Kids" featuring Putad Pihay is a celebration of authenticity in a world that often demands conformity.
Putad who hails from the Amis community, one of Taiwan's indigenous ethnic groups, known for their rich cultural heritage, unique traditions, and deep connection to the island's natural landscapes have a rich oral tradition, with storytelling, music, and dance playing integral roles in passing down their cultural heritage. Like many indigenous groups worldwide, the Amis people have faced historical and contemporary challenges, including land rights issues, cultural preservation, and discrimination.
Join Jatayu and Putad Pihay in embracing your inner wildness.
This song is a testament to breaking down barriers and encouraging us all to be 'Wild Kids.' It's also a poignant reminder that Putad and her people have faced discrimination for far too long. This song is her powerful declaration of pride in her heritage, a message of strength and resilience against the backdrop of adversity.

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