音乐人 台北市

MANAGONA草本药师以音乐及声音艺术与视觉科技连结作为核心理念,并专注于当代音乐发展和多元跨领域合作。 乐团成员为留法打击乐家,李茂嵩、郑宛宜。 回台后尝试将打击乐器乐与电子声响融合实验的方式呈现,引领著大家思考音乐艺术的纯粹与可能性。

MANAGONA草本药师 holds as its core concept the intersection of music, sound art and visual technology; the focus is on creating a unique contemporary musical experience through inter-disciplinary collaboration. The founding members of MANAGONA are Lee Mao-Sung and Cheng Wan-Yi, who are both graduates of Conservatoire de Versailles, France. Upon their return to Taiwan, the duo began exploring the possibilities of amalgamating percussion with electronic music while augmenting their compositions with electronically-generated visuals. The end result creates an intriguing multi-sensory experience that entices and entrances the listener; the purity of these creations expand the boundaries of one’s perception of music and art.

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IV / 2022 LUC fest Live session Version

IV / 2022 LUC fest Live session Version


MANAGONA草本药师以音乐及声音艺术与视觉科技连结作为核心理念,并专注于当代音乐发展和多元跨领域合作。 乐团成员为留法打击乐家,李茂嵩、郑宛宜。 回台后尝试将打击乐器乐与电子声响融合实验的方式呈现,引领著大家思考音乐艺术的纯粹与可能性。