10. Mayasvi 祭
10. Mayasvi 祭

10. Mayasvi 祭


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高蕾雅 Yinguyu Yatauyungana

发表时间 2024-02-06



mayasvi 祭

The mayasvi is a key and highly anticipated event in Cou communities. It is difficult to convey the meaning succinctly in the context of mayasvi in one Chinese word. In the past, mayasvi was not a regular ritual during times of war, but was held when the warriors returned to the tribe after winning the war and when the kuba was repaired. Nowadays, as there are no more wars, the decision to hold a mayasvi or not is made by the council of elders. Mayasvi is today an important ritual in the transmission of the culture and beliefs of the Cou people.
制作人Chief Coordinator:Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)
词Lyrics:Yinguyu Yatauyungana (高蕾雅)
曲Song:Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)

演唱Performed by:
yupasuingi 悠巴歌谣传唱队

'atai yatauyungana (高骏逸)
'avai yaisikana (石仕伦)
apu'u muknana (武易萱)
ku'atu noacachiana (庄宇)
mo'o voyuana (石圣安)
naa'u yoifoana (庄瑜姗)
sayungu vaiyayana (汪飒悠)
yangui akuyayana (陈羿妏)
yapasuongu niahosa (梁一哲)

录音工程师 Recording Engineer:Paiian Tamapima(高治军)、Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)
配唱制作Vocal Producer:Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)
后制编辑Post-production Editing:Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)、Paiian Tamapima(高治军)、QinQinQin (邱群)
混音工程师 Mixing Engineer:陈威达 Chen Wei Da
母带后期处理工程师Mastering Engineer:树人咪房Treemen Studio/刘诗伟Liu Shih Wei

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歌词 动态歌词

Mayasvi 祭

maitan'e tec'u mayasvi今天就是mayasvi
teto cu yungeova 'o i'afafeoi要准备迎接i'afafeoi
tetocu ange tomo yonghu ci yʉsʉ no cou族人将换上美丽的服装
tato c'u ahoi peispak'i to yoyasva整个广场将会热闹无比

mahto yʉsʉ ho uhto kuba 'o haahocngʉ男子带著衣服上kuba
yone'e ho yachi bumemealʉ bumʉlʉlʉ在那里把自己好好打扮
mahto yʉsʉ ho uhto peongsi 'o maamespingi女子带著衣服到peongsi家
yone'e ho yachi bumemealʉ在那里把自己弄漂亮漂亮
yachi bumemealʉ buyoyonghu把自己弄漂亮

tu'e声 (注:mayasvi祭仪中的tu'e类似报战功)

yupa ti'eopʉ ho acʉhʉ tohmʉskʉ手牵手踩著庄严的步伐
pasunaeno to ehoi yungeova 'o hamo 唱著流传的迎神曲 迎接神灵的到来
yu'eteunu ta kuba noteunu ho mayasvi Kuba前的聚会 跳著舞唱著歌
pa'icngiha na h'oyungsova文化的传承
tiucngicngiha e cou邹族的延续

yupa ti'eopʉ ho acʉhʉ tohmʉskʉ手牵手踩著庄严的步伐
pasunaeno to ehoi yungeova 'o hamo 唱著流传的迎神曲 迎接神灵的到来
yu'eteunu ta kuba noteunu ho mayasvi Kuba前的聚会 跳著舞唱著歌
pa'icngiha na h'oyungsova文化的传承
tiucngicngiha e cou邹族的延续

tiucngicngiha e cou邹族的延续

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