Parachute 降落伞
Parachute 降落伞

Parachute 降落伞

Singer / SongwriterHealthy Supply of Poison 足够的毒药

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Parachute 降落伞

Parachute 降落伞


发表时间 2018-05-20



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歌词 动态歌词

词/曲:David Lin 音乐/编曲/制作:David Lin
Toss away that ring, it will be alright 扔掉那戒指,一切都会好起来的
Break it off nice and clean, you can be you for you 彻底甩掉它,你可以只做你自己
Toss away that ring, it’s gonna alright 扔掉那戒指,一切都会好起来的
The first few weeks it will cut so deep, but it’s something you knew 刚开始的几个星期,或许觉得伤得很深,但你知道本来就是这样
You’ll recover, stay clear from overdose 你会复原,会完全清醒
Gotta chin up, be here or somewhere close 给自己打气,无论在哪
Everyone has made up their minds 每个人都下定了决心
Except for you, you wanna follow suit 除了你,你只想跟在别人身后
Everyone has made up their minds 每个人都下定了决心
If you’re gonna fall, you gotta find gotta find your parachute 如果你要往下跌落,你必须要找到你的降落伞
Lose the headphones now, it will be alright 丢掉你的耳机,一切都会好起来
The magic hasn’t gone away, ‘cause of what we've been through 奇迹并没消失,因我们曾经历过这一切
Lose the headphones now, it's gonna be alright 丢掉你的耳机,一切都会好起来
I got a taste of what you’ve seen; now I understand you 我体会你所见到的一切,现在我对你感同身受
You’ll recover, stay clear from overdose 你会复原,会完全清醒
Gotta chin up, be here or somewhere close 给自己打气,无论在哪
Everyone has made up their minds 每个人都下定了决心
Except for you, you wanna follow suit 除了你,你只想跟在别人身后
Everyone has made up their minds 每个人都下定了决心
If you’re gonna fall, you gotta find gotta find your parachute 如果你要往下跌落,你必须要找到你的降落伞
Does it ever feel, does it ever feel,Like you’re barely keeping up 你是否曾经感觉到,快要无法继续
Do you ever feel, do you ever feel,So heavy you can’t get up 你是否感受到,如此沉重,快乐不起来
I know it feels, I know it feels 我明白那种感觉
Like you’ve really had enough 就像你已经受够了
butYour pulse is strong and your blood’s on fire 但你脉搏依然强烈,热血依然沸腾
Living's not so tough could 生活没有那么艰难
you tell me what’s been up lately, and where you’ve been 告诉我你最近在忙些什么,都去了哪里?
Tell me what’s been up lately, and what you’re up to? 告诉我最近忙些什么,有什么新鲜事?
Everyone has made up their minds 每个人都下定了决心
Except for you, you wanna follow suit 除了你,你只想跟在别人身后
Everyone has made up their minds 每个人都下定了决心
If you’re gonna fall, you gotta find gotta find your parachute u uuuu 如果你要往下跌落,你必须要找到你的降落伞
u uuuu
u uuuu
u uuuu

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