Summer Love
词曲:Steve 吴宇恒
编曲:Norton Street 诺顿街
录音:Fang Chen 陈治方
混音/母带后期:Tim 黄亭远
主唱:Steve 吴宇恒
吉他:Tim 黄亭远
贝斯:Jams 姜恒
键盘:Hogan 邹以序
爵士鼓:John 廖仲云
I live in reality just for me
Or it could be virtual from my brain
Now I wonder what will remain
Guess love is the answer remain till the end
The pain is feeling I put it in my brain
It makes me feel ashamed
But I don’t like pretend
So I make you feel the same
Love is real Love is cure
Finally understand
Love is real love is cure
Things started to change
Pain will never live again
You don’t need to suffocate
Love is real
It’s all because It’s all because
Your my
Summer Love
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