I Don't Need Your Body (Demo)
I Don't Need Your Body (Demo)

I Don't Need Your Body (Demo)


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I Don't Need Your Body (Demo)

I Don't Need Your Body (Demo)

Norton Street 诺顿街
Norton Street 诺顿街

  • Song of the Day

发表时间 2023-06-11


I Don't Need Your Body (2023)

词曲: Steve 吴宇恒
编曲: Norton Street 诺顿街
混音/母带后期: Jams 姜恒、Tim 黄亭远、Hogan 邹序
主唱: Steve 吴宇恒
和音: Hogan 邹序
吉他: Tim 黄亭远
贝斯: Jams 姜恒
合成器: Hogan 邹序
鼓: Smo 陈思默

特别感谢: 慕桑音乐 @moodsunmusic
封面照片: Roni

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Woke up with you in the morning
Can’t remember how we started
Guess I broke down in front of you guess you could really see me thru
Spending time (with you) in the holiday
Have a nice conversation
I’ll be honest with you
That I really need you

I wanna wake up with you
I wanna wake up with you
In my beautiful beautiful morning

I don't need your body
I don’t need your body just
Sleep next to me
Sleep next to me

Your legs across my body
Your lips come close to mine just
Sleep next to me
Sleep next to me

I don’t need your body
I don’t need your body ya

Your legs across my body, lips come close to mine

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