Lacy's Circus
Lacy's Circus

Lacy's Circus


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Lacy's Circus

Lacy's Circus

Red Oak 红橡乐团
Red Oak 红橡乐团

发表时间 2014-02-20


Lacy felt too cold
So she lay down with her patterns
Laying with her crayons on the floor

The playground by the window
Children with no names now
Lacy likes her circus a little more

The walls are calling my name
You see through a frightened gaze

The lion's mighty roar
The light's dim ready to show
The colors that all sings in Lacy's world

Let these crayons sing a song
Let these voices paint
Lacy's circus finally has begun

The walls are calling your name
The sounds and the fire ablaze
These walls echoes and portrays
Its cold but we'll die someday

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