02 Love as a Bullet
02 Love as a Bullet

02 Love as a Bullet

AlternativeSubtropical Jet Stream

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02 Love as a Bullet

02 Love as a Bullet

Super Napkin
Super Napkin

发表时间 2022-08-04


Life is exhausting
Like an impeller on a motor
If it stops spinning correctly
You will drip some dirty tears

Love is hard to measure
When you're only acting like a bean probe
If you wanna read people correctly
You'd better be an IBTS

Nothing compares to creativity
Like induction heating for coffee beans

If you wanna be the first to crack her up at the party
You should preheat till you hear 'charge' from the lady

You'd say I will take a Bullet for you
I will roast it dark if you want me to
I will take a Bullet for you
I am back to back loving you

If there's any issue
Please contact the support team
It's ok if it's out of warranty

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