hazy summer days
hazy summer days

hazy summer days

RockVerbal Misery

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hazy summer days

hazy summer days


发表时间 2024-01-09


here is a short story
between the height of summer and cruelty of winter

They won’t forget this scene
The last time I smell it in my life
You just keep walking until you see the bottom
nobody waves back to me

u leave me to stop
like pheonix died
that is not the weight I can bear
one meaningless jest,u call it “love”

u drive me to stop and held my fate tight
that is worth it,but not trust no more
one meaningless jest,I call it “Hate”

So long
So I
No longer trusted

Try to control everything, but somethings I fucked up are still unknown to me now

Golden Ghost is going mad
Golden Ghost is checking bag
he overriding every game
bout the hazy summer days

Why are you ready to become a ruthless adult?
This rain has been stretching into the eyes
So No,Nightmare attack to my dream
Lost on the sidewalk

You found my greatest things
I don't understand why you're throwing it away
I have done my best for you

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