【An Orange Dream I Had In One Windy, Cozy Afternoon】(Demo)
【An Orange Dream I Had In One Windy, Cozy Afternoon】(Demo)

【An Orange Dream I Had In One Windy, Cozy Afternoon】(Demo)


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【An Orange Dream I Had In One Windy, Cozy Afternoon】(Demo)

【An Orange Dream I Had In One Windy, Cozy Afternoon】(Demo)

群青 Ultramarine
群青 Ultramarine

发表时间 2019-03-20





Lyrics.Compose ─ 昊廷
Arrangement ─ 群青Ultramarine
Vocal ─ 修琪
Backing Vocal ─ 祐祯
Synth ─ 昊廷
Guitar ─ 旻修
Drum ─ 子皓
Bass ─ 彦程

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Hazy morning
Shady room
For months I lean on the window
Wherever my eyes
Reach is pale
And I know I’ll drift it alone

So I comfort myself
In a soft villi carpet
Where I hide days and nights

Waiting for the blue curtains fall
I’ll be exiled to dreams
Drift along metamorphic life
And kill them at every dawn

Don’t know anymore
But I need you
In my head
I’ve been here all the time
Wait for the night fall
So I could dream
Trying to escape
The soft blue curtain
But I can’t even stand

Waiting for the blue curtains fall
I’ll be exiled to dreams
Drift along metamorphic life
And kill them at every dawn

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