Ai Song 2016
Ai Song 2016

Ai Song 2016

AlternativeAi Song 2016

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悟空 Wukong the Monkey King

发表时间 2016-04-27


Love me hate me I will show you love
You’ve done something I have never done
You’ve seen something I have never seen
So what, so what
Whoever you are, wherever you come from
Whoever you are, wherever you come from

Love me hate me I don’t really care
I’ve seen something you have never seen
I’ve done something you have never done
So what, so what, so what
Whoever you are, wherever you come from
Whoever you are, wherever you come from

Whoever you are, wherever you come from
Whoever you are, wherever you come from
So what, so what, so what, so what

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