Cry Out 不哭了
Cry Out 不哭了

Cry Out 不哭了

Hip hop / Rap

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Cry Out 不哭了

Cry Out 不哭了


发表时间 2022-04-03


编曲 Arranger:7DAYSAWEEK
作曲 Composer:徐楷伦
作词 Lyrics:徐楷伦
录音 Recording Engineer:徐楷伦
混音 Mixing Engineer:徐楷伦
影像剪辑 Visual Edit:徐楷伦

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I used to cry a lot but I don’t now
It’s cause u filled up the bottom of my heart
When the world start falling apart
Hold me tight we’ll make it right somehow

I used to cry a lot but I don’t now
It’s cause u filled up the bottom of my heart
When the world start falling apart
Hold me tight we’ll make it right somehow

Writing shit in cards but it’s not enough
so I make u a song
努力克制我自己 不去无理取闹
想著你 想著你 期待每天见到
白天对抗世界 晚上一起逃离喧嚣
未来会是什么样子 你不用操劳

I used to cry a lot but I don’t now
It’s cause u filled up the bottom of my heart
When the world start falling apart
Hold me tight we’ll make it right somehow
I used to cry a lot but I don’t now
It’s cause u filled up the bottom of my heart
When the world start falling apart
Hold me tight we’ll make it right somehow

Is you 让我看见了我的价值
Take It slow 一切都不会太迟
I won't ever leave u alone 我对天发誓
Still got time figure all problems that we have
It's really really precious 每当遇见和离别
他们在乎的 我才不顾一屑

I used to cry a lot but I don’t now
It’s cause u filled up the bottom of my heart
When the world start falling apart
Hold me tight we’ll make it right somehow
I used to cry a lot but I don’t now
It’s cause u filled up the bottom of my heart
When the world start falling apart
Hold me tight we’ll make it right somehow

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