编号:Return 13
词/曲:王睿腾 Return Wang
英文词译:范姜振文 Jonathan
编曲:王睿腾 Return Wang
影像:王睿腾 Return Wang
暗空 捻熄多馀的灯火 几亿光年的聚落 闪烁
The dark night smothered the redundant light; settlements that are billion years afar are still shimmering.
微风 翻开尘封的镜头 攀上阒黑的丘壑 捕捉
The gentle breeze swept away the dusty lens ; climbing up the pitch-black hill to capture the stars.
银河淹过我惶恐 幽静填满了 北斗
The Milky Way drowning my fear, with silence that filled the Big Dipper.
穿梭天地苍穹 星云之前 必经殒落
Before traveling through the galaxy and nebula, one must succumb to fate.
放声呐喊之后 日冕风暴 无影无踪
The coronal storm vanishes after roaring.
暗空 捻熄多馀的灯火 几亿光年的聚落 闪烁
The dark night smothered the redundant light; settlements that are billion years afar are still shimmering.
微风 翻开尘封的镜头 攀上阒黑的丘壑 捕捉
The gentle breeze swept away the dusty lens ; climbing up the pitch-black hill to capture the stars.
驱逐食日的天狗 重新点燃那 艳火
Banishing the Tengu, rekindle the scorching Sun.
穿梭天地苍穹 星云之前 必经殒落
Before traveling through the galaxy and nebula, one must succumb to fate.
放声呐喊之后 日冕风暴 无影无踪
The coronal storm vanishes after roaring.
宙斯化成金牛 猎户箭矢先锋
Zeus turned into Taurus, with Orion’s arrow as the pioneer.
看著流星划过 愿望藏在心中
Admiring the shooting stars, stashing wishes away in thy heart.
穿梭天地苍穹 星云之前 必经殒落
Before traveling through the galaxy and nebula, one must succumb to fate.
放声呐喊之后 日冕风暴 无影无踪
The coronal storm vanishes after roaring.