Andy is typing... - Celestial Party
Andy is typing... - Celestial Party

Andy is typing... - Celestial Party


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Andy is typing... - Celestial Party

Andy is typing... - Celestial Party

Andy is typing...
Andy is typing...

发表时间 2016-02-03


当你每天努力工作 追赶住生活既节奏既时候
唔知又有无谂过 天上既星星 太阳 月亮 咁多个星球
星星每夜如常地闪燿 星球亦如常地转动
就好似地上既人一般地有规律 毫无新意
不过 你又相唔相信 其实佢地每一日都系天上开紧派对
星星一闪 其实系想对我地眨个眼打个招呼
星球会转 系因为佢地每日都玩紧捉迷藏同跳舞
而你 往往就因生活所需而要每日都系压力中渡过
你又愿唔愿意相信 天上有一个派对 等紧你去参加?

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Celestial Party

Welcome to the feast of zero gravity
The stars The planet The light The comet
I love the way they blinkin' I love the way they kiss
You're sure you wanna leave? This party you can't miss!

Now enjoy in this celestial party

What are you waiting for
There's no time for you to waste
So! right now let's have a good time

Here I am singing along the Milky Way
Planetary orbital We dancing in circles
We're chasing one another We're playing Hide And Seek
Forever we'll stay as long as you insist

Now enjoy in this celestial party

What are you waiting for
There's no time for you to waste
So! right now let's have a good time are you waiting for
There's no time for you to waste
So! right now let's have a good time

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