...查看更多 收起The sea of Hemingway has slept
The sea of Melville has slept
The sea of Conrad has slept
The sea of Rorty has slept
Only the sea of Andersen remains awake
Under the moonlight, the sea
Silent as a glowing bronze mirror
Breathes evenly
Softer than clouds
Lighter than the wind
In the far distance, someone awakens
The banker awakens
The white-collar class, in their high-heeled leather shoes, awakens
The worker, having shed his sweat-stained overalls, awakens
The politician, roaring into the microphone, awakens
Both sides at the negotiation table awaken
They all awaken, becoming single-celled organisms
As the moonlight brightens
Tie your skate laces
On the mirror-like sea surface
Let’s all dance together
This hand holds that hand
That hand holds this hand
Forming a great circle
Swirling, jumping
A grand turn in the circle
The moonlight grows brighter through the night
Laughter spreads farther and farther
The sea dreams
Returning to its childhood in the dream
Primitive single-celled organisms within her
Breathing rhythmically, orderly
Even breaths
Softer than clouds
Lighter than the wind