20230105 Uncertainty / Rawness / Blind And Dark
用电吉他 loop,贝斯 messing around,
玩了几个 loop,特别喜欢这个,“来录吧。”
这是 take 3,前面两个 take 弹的时候感觉卡卡的,没有回头听过(有存著)。
完整版在主页连结,YT 和 SV 都有上传。来看看我的陶醉怪表情🤭
EG plus looper, messing around with Lana.
Done a couple of loops, enjoyed this one especially. “Let’s rock and roll.”
This is take 3. I felt stuck recording the first 2 takes. Haven’t listened to them (not deleted).
Link in bio for the full version on YouTube and StreetVoice. Come check out my weird face🤭
#大大弹贝斯 #Lana
...查看更多 收起这是没有提供歌词的歌曲