Wind Melody - The Virus
Wind Melody - The Virus

Wind Melody - The Virus


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Wind Melody - The Virus

Wind Melody - The Virus

Wind Melody
Wind Melody

发表时间 2014-08-09



FB Fans Page:

Year 2096
A new kind of vaccine for cancer was being developed.
Using nanotechnology to creat a dangerous virus
which can kill cancer cell effectively.
But it can kill human being as well.

An accident happened.
And this was the beginning of catastrophe.

"Emergency , a Devastating virus has been detected."
"Please Shut down every security door immediately."
"I repeat , please Shut down every security door immediately."


"You can't escape."
"Welcome to hell..lll."

Three months later.
50% of people was gone.
The other 50% struggle for their lives
every day and night.
And try not to lost their mind.

But most of them can't get through it.

"Welcome to Purgatory."

Year 2097
Only 1% of people survived.

Year 2100
Fewer than one thousand pepole remain.

Three years later.
James yelling in pain beside me.
Suddenly , the whole world falling in the abyss of silence.

Now I'm the only one who survived.

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