Could you love me while I hate myself
Could you love me while I hate myself

Could you love me while I hate myself

Singer / Songwriter

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Could you love me while I hate myself

Could you love me while I hate myself


发表时间 2023-11-27


Zeph的歌 超喜欢所以就作了一个remake

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Could you love me while I hate myself?
Could you love me though I don't deserve it?
Could you love me like there's no one else
Even though you know I can't return it?

Could you love me when the water's rough
Or when I leave you in a desert?
Could you love me though I speak with knives
Knowing all too well that you'll get hurt?

If you can't answer yes, just go, I'm
More trouble than I'm worth

Could you love me while I hate myself?
Because I don't know how this works
I never learned how this works

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