因为听到来自香港新生代才子Gareth. T 的 Boyfriend Material 实在是太爱了... 他把单身的那种自我怀疑~害怕孤单的心境传达的实在是一个贴切到不行!所以决定一定要来一个女生角度版本哈哈!!所以我就来了~~~
I fell in love with the original song Boyfriend Material by Gareth. T... It's SOO RELATABLE i just HAD to come up with a girl's version!!
Original song: Boyfriend Material
Original artist: @gareth_tong
This version is recorded/altered and arranged by me!
...查看更多 收起I'm not the type to be noticed
Cause i'm barely 5’1 and
I'm okay good looking
but overshare too often
confused and I’m clueless bout most things seductive
Facing the pressures of dying alone
I hate being single for this long
I'm not the type
I'm not the type
To steal yo boy
I'm not the one
I'm not the one
To speak up first
I find it hard to meet someone i think I like
And i'm too shy so i'm struggling to flirt
Guess i'm just not girlfriend material
I think i need some loving tutorials
I know I say I hate u three syllables
But i don't mean it when i say it
Guess i'm just not girlfriend material
I'm dying for some girlfriend tutorial
Don't fit into that modern criteria
So i'm not what these boys want