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发表时间 2024-02-29


Our modern world is built on unceasing expansion and growth, always demanding more, more, and more. Increasingly so, it seems that everyone is challenging each other to grind harder, and to be deemed “successful” in society-defined means. Perhaps under the weight of others’ perception and financial commitments, the desire of slowing down and taking a breather is often shunned. The ever-moving Darwinian cycle may have made us afraid of taking a break.

Through their music, Soft Soft Pillow invites you to take a step back, look at the bigger picture, and question our status quo. For all our pursuit of more, are we actually happier and better for it?

The band’s motto is “life is hard, but we can be soft, so you won’t feel the pain”.
They welcome you to join them in their single debut on 1st May, and hope you welcome the virtue of laziness into your life!

The band’s first lead track, “Pillowsophy”, is scheduled to release on all major streaming platforms on the laziest day of the year, Labour Day (May 1). Slow your pace and chill to the music of Soft Soft Pillow, and enjoy every fleeting moment in peace.


文明在让人猝不及防的高速发展下,种种演变是否一定会往好的方向发展?不停力求进步一定是一件好事吗?尤其随著乐团成员们年纪纷纷将步入 30 岁以后,他们身边绝大多数的人都迈入婚姻关系、组成家庭,承载著社会的眼光与经济的负担,“想懒惰”的念头,渐渐地变成洪水猛兽,连“休息”都成为心里的罪恶感。在如此严苛的进化论中,让人对“停下脚步”产生畏惧。因此,Soft Soft Pillow 希望用音乐舒缓焦虑的情绪,号召大家适时地放过自己。

首波同名主打〈Pillowsophy〉,便是乐团从一颗枕头中所领悟到的哲学——懒惰至上。而为了配合创作主题,Soft Soft Pillow 更选择在国际劳动节当天数位发行这首单曲,希望邀请大家一起发出慵懒无忧的抵抗讯号。因为我们都吃软不吃硬,只能温柔地抵抗世界的不安。

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Melody by 曲:Wee
Lyrics by 词:Jean,Andrew,Jonathan
Arranged by 编曲:Wee,Andrew
Produced by 制作人:Kido 多吉,Wee

Woo wee woo

Reaching out for my coffee in the morning
My heart tells me how about we sleep in
Damn alarm rings pretty in my dreams goodbye

Maybe we go to the Sunday afternoon
To the black hole right before we lose our toons
Mama don't know and I don't wanna make you cry

Woo wee woo

Always wonder when will I start to be rich
Thank my parents at least I could be a vase
Wanna be humble
Let other people take the pride

Laying on a sandy beach with sunglasses
I just wanna enjoy the sun sea and surf
Life is sober
But I need a place to hide

Woo wee woo

There's too much things to do
Midnight till afternoon
But lazy is the new priority
That’s my Pillowsophy

Woo wee woo

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