Music by Cheryl Lee
English Lyrics by Cheryl Lee / Chinese Lyrics by Betsy Hsu
Arrangement by Cheryl Lee
Vocals by Cheryl Lee
Hands, over your heart, promising tears will dry,
Promising words won’t lie, just as you are.
Smiles, covered in glass, shatters the light from within.
The past is gone, my mask.
Jealous skies, you’re in disguise.
Your eyes, filled with lies, painting the morning light.
Take my crown, you won't hold me down.
Standing my ground, chasing the shadows of doubt.
Now that this fear, has turned into, something more.
Hate forlorn, all gone, all gone,
双手 放在心上 隔绝悲伤过往
面具下的脸庞 为谁的期望
谎言 说得太美 也把自尊也摧毁
将手 放在心上 相信泪会流干
相信你说的话 没有半点虚假
被遮蔽的微笑 掩盖了心中的光亮
我的面具啊 旧事已经过去
嫉妒的天空 你是伪装的
你虚伪的眼神 使晨光显得虚幻
摘除我的皇冠 并不会使我沉沦
我为自己挺身 无畏他人怀疑的眼光
如今恐惧 已成为向上的力量
那被厌恶的 被离弃的感受 都将离我而去