Running feat 荒山亮
Running feat 荒山亮

Running feat 荒山亮

Hip hop / Rap

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Running feat 荒山亮

Running feat 荒山亮

Fi-Né 粉内
Fi-Né 粉内

发表时间 2022-03-16


  • 荒山亮


“Running”是关于我们在追逐梦想时所经历的关系。我们都有为之奋斗的东西;一个我们想要实现的梦想。在实现梦想的过程中,我们发现自己结交了新朋友,甚至坠入爱河。但很容易忘记,有时我们无法将这些关系带入我们的旅程。有时我们不得不说“再见”,这是追逐梦想最痛苦的部分之一。 “Running”提醒我们,为继续前进感到难过是可以的,但重要的是要在自己的内心找到快乐,这样我们才能继续前进。

数位聆听 :

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Go, and find another way
You’re asking me to stay
But I know I can’t, I know

I know you feel a lot of different ways
I know you rode a lot of different waves
I know you feel like you’re responsible
Like you a doctor and you gotta a lot of lives to save
If that’s really what you feel then You better be brave
that’s the type of shit people try to do before they break
You gotta be strong enough to get stabbed by the man you just saved
And still give em a break
Then you gotta make sure he don’t get back in the way
That’s the life we live
That’s the price we pay
This life
don’t know any other way
And if thats too much
it hurts too much
then maybe you should just

Go, and find another way
You’re asking me to stay
But I know I can’t, I know
That you will be okay
And we will find a way
To live on another day

烟茫茫 望月林中 爱亦非爱 恨亦非恨 我亦非我
消散的过往 谁人赌强 远走他乡
空留阮 珠泪颤动 倚琴泣红

Go, and find another way
You’re asking me to stay
But I know I can’t, I know
That you will be okay
And we will find a way
To live on another day

Take it one step at a time
Take the pain day by day
Put the pain killers in line
Look at what you gave away
How could I be so blind?
How could I not see?
Guess the money in the way
It wasn’t even worth it anyway
This is where I stand today
Wishing I could find a way
Just to get back home
so I can hold you and see your face

诉情衷 心海汹涌 斩断情路 吞落凄凉 坠入江湖
无声的冷风 撕破过去 无地自容
因何我 望绝心伤

消散的过往 谁人赌强 远走他乡
空留阮 珠泪颤动 倚琴泣红

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