愚蠢旋律 Foolish Melody - 我是胖子 I'm a fat ass (Demo)
愚蠢旋律 Foolish Melody - 我是胖子 I'm a fat ass (Demo)

愚蠢旋律 Foolish Melody - 我是胖子 I'm a fat ass (Demo)


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愚蠢旋律 Foolish Melody - 我是胖子 I'm a fat ass (Demo)

愚蠢旋律 Foolish Melody - 我是胖子 I'm a fat ass (Demo)


发表时间 2018-09-01


Facebook粉丝专页: https://www.facebook.com/%E6%84%9A%E8...

Vocal+Bass+Backing vocal:侯林源/Guitar:吴宇镇/ Percussion:周纬宸(EZDrummer2)

Composer:Dave Ho/Lyrics:Dave Ho/Arrangement:Foolish Melody/Mixing:Jay Ni
Vocal+Bass+Backing Vocal:Dave Ho/Guitar:Ozzy Wu/ Percussion:Wei Chen(EZDrummer2)
Special thanks:Ian Jhu(Keyboard)、Ryan Chen(Equipment helping)

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我是一个胖子 讨厌的胖子 我走到哪边那边就挤得要死
我是一个胖子 恶心的胖子 我容易流汗我臭得要死
我是一个胖子 可悲的胖子 大家都叫我臭肥宅或是死胖子
我还没死 所以我是个活胖子 但是身为一个胖子我好想死

我是一个胖子 我是一个臭肥宅
胖出病来只有坏处 我到何时才能大澈大悟

我是一个胖子 虚弱的胖子 我跑了十公尺我就喘得要死
我是一个胖子 濒死的胖子 我迟早被脑中风或心脏病搞死
我是一个胖子 可悲的胖子 大家都叫我臭肥宅或是死胖子
我还没死 所以我是个活胖子 人都难逃一死 我终将变成死胖子


我是一个胖子 我是一个臭肥宅
胖出病来只有坏处 我到何时才能大澈大悟
我是一个胖子啊 我是一个臭肥宅啊
胖出病来只有坏处 我到快死了才真的大澈大悟

English Lyrics:
I'm a fat ass, an annoying fat ass, wherever I go, the place will be stuck.
I'm a fat ass, a disgusting fat ass, I'm sweating bullets so I'm stinky as fuck.
I'm a fat ass, a pathetic fat ass, everybody calls me nerd or a dying fat ass.
But I'm still alive, so I'm a living fat ass, but being a fat ass really makes me want to die.

I'm a fat ass, I'm a stinky fat nerd.
It will only cause me disease if I'm fat, when will I ever learn this lesson.

I'm a fat ass, a poor health fat ass, it only takes ten meter to make me out of breath.
I'm a fat ass, a near death fat ass, I'll be killed by brain strokes or heart disease sooner or later.
I'm a fat ass, a pathetic fat ass, everybody calls me nerd or a dying fat ass.
But I'm still alive, so I'm a living fat ass, but we're all gonna die, so I'll become a dead fat ass someday.

I've been sent into an emergency room.
I almost become a dead fat ass.
Doctor tells me that I really need to start on a diet and quit smoking.
Or else I'll really become a dead fat ass.

I'm a fat ass, I'm a stinky fat nerd.
It will only cause me disease if I'm fat, when will I ever learn this lesson.
I'm a fucking fat ass, I'm a stinky fat nerd.
It will only cause me disease if I'm fat, I finally learn this lesson when death is near.

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