KEEP YOU ALIVE  song3 大叶大学
KEEP YOU ALIVE  song3 大叶大学

KEEP YOU ALIVE song3 大叶大学


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KEEP YOU ALIVE  song3 大叶大学

KEEP YOU ALIVE song3 大叶大学


发表时间 2012-04-23


Call my name and do remind me, (叫住我,请提醒我)
Or I would never know, (不然我永远不知道)
The only Mother, you’re dying for us all. (为了我们,地球正垂死老矣)
Keep you alive is what we’re ignoring, (一直以来我们都忽略了你)
We’ve done it for so long. (我们一直都如此)

Our lives are on your shoulders. (你背负著我们)
We depend on you for sure. (我们也依靠著你)
But whether you’ve complained about us? (但你曾抱怨过甚么吗?)
I don’t know. (我不知道)
Please don’t hate us at this moment (拜托,别恨我们)
Cuz we started being reborn (因为我们才正要开始重生)

Could we give you a break or a hope (我们能够稍微暂停吗)
While you’re begging for being alone? (当你想要静一静、喘息的时候)
Could we keep you alive or so? (我们能够让你再活起来吗)
‘Cuz you don’t wanna stand no more. (因为你已再也受不了了)

In the morning, you try to smile. (早上醒来,你都试著笑看一切)
We got lost, you try to find us out. (当我们迷失方向,你试著将我们寻回)
Being helpless, you fake you’ll be alright. (但当你无助时,你却假装你会没事)

You’ve been waiting we’ll get realized. (你一直等待著我们去了解)
You’ve been enduring we humankind. (你一直忍受著我们这些该死的猴子)
Whether we deserve a chance one more time? (我们值得你再给一次机会吗?)

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