
1 条动态


《游戏 The Game》
曲 / 编 / 制作: leungarto

因为自己不懂绘画,但又想用动漫风格制作 MV,所以用 AI 生成了这些图片,合并成一首 MV。深知效果不理想,为了圆梦亦斗胆试一试。希望日后能与真正的绘画家合作呢!

《游戏 The Game》MV: https://youtu.be/R5-DifkewoU


Everyday, everyone receives the same information, enjoys the same entertainment, eats the same food and immerses in the same atmosphere of life. This immutable law is very solid as a copper and iron wall, nobody is willing to break through it on a wild goose chase.


Try to break the wall down even though you see its existing. However, the stranged gazes from the others and the coolness from some whispers behind your back that make people prefer to stay in their original position and continue to enjoy the stability brought by the immutable law. Because a stable life has no risks and can also calm people's minds. This sense of security is always hard to put down.


Gradually, people can no longer distinguish the differences between themselves and others, and they have no interesting to explore the similarities and differences between each other because everyone lives under the same order, even if there are differences but the foundation is the same. Even they are living like a robot but they do not feel it, because people rely on security more than anything else that just like the relationship between water and fish, as inseparable.

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/24s0EA2F8AhkkPtLsZkut7?si=iqcsP55hRd67ggn-ddfDcw
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/hk/artist/leungarto/1611408897?ls
KKbox: https://kkbox.fm/AP3qKO
Bandcamp: https://leungarto.bandcamp.com/
Streetvoice 街声: https://streetvoice.com/leungarto
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCneOFxFBwQCbwi4hmZgLwHg

#遊戲thegame #leungarto #mugazinehk #indiemusichk #原創音樂 #hkmusic #indie
