Artist / Lyrics: CJ_Crab
Ya know what? Sometimes life ain't that easy as ya think
Not everything goes in the way you always wanna to..
anyway..forget about with it...enjoy wut ya have and cherish what ya own now..
Listen to Wut I say
Durin' these days
Ma heart always pains
Bleeding like rain
Grandma surgery case
So sad but I'm strong cuz I fake
Deadline for paper graduate
Wut plan I'm gonna make
I dunt understand so got none to say
Dunno wut action for me to take
I wait I complain I panic I stress
But be patient young man Hen
'cause God proclaims He put ya on His hand all the way
Though time goes by quick day after day
Yo Never waste, less to dissipate
Read your palm, check your hand right away
Tell yaself Ya're the man of your fate
take your chance
make some change
Carpe Diem! seize the day!
Life is long
For ya know how to take control
never fight alone
Ya got my rap songs
keep up peppin' ya up more en' more...
Trust me en' believe wut ya see my bro
One day ya truly realize en' get to know
The Lord every day rappin' your life Gospel song
Ya can check notes of God in dat Bible Psalm!