The other one
The other one

The other one


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The other one

The other one


发表时间 2007-02-18


其实这首副歌的旋律 早在两年前就写好了
原本是想填上中文歌词后 送给一个女孩当礼物
但事情却不如想像般的顺利 就这样 拖到了现在...
如今 换了个心情 填上英文歌词
这首The other one 已不再是单纯写给她了
而是写给所有喜欢音乐 也热爱音乐的朋友们

至于为什么英文程度不好的我 还冒险地写英文歌词?
我也不清楚 或许是想带给大家有如听到"Proud of you"的感觉吧?!
第一次尝试写英文 总觉得文法会错个一蹋糊涂...多包含啰~

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I need you be with me tonight
hope you won't leave no matter why
cuz' I have only one thing in my mind
that is the feeling of lonely time
you were the sky that I can fly to high
you were the light when I feel cold in night
but all these time are such alike dream gliding by
now I'm just the other guy


I see the sadness in your eyes
and hear the sorrow in your sigh
I know your heart is not belong to mine
so let you go and say good bye
you were the sky that I can fly to high
you were the light when I feel cold in night
but all these time are such alike dream gliding by
now I'm just the other guy
now I'm just...the

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