Beautiful Creature 可人儿
Beautiful Creature 可人儿

Beautiful Creature 可人儿

Rockhalf 乐团 - The Winner! 胜者为王

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Beautiful Creature 可人儿

Beautiful Creature 可人儿

half 乐队
half 乐队

发表时间 2015-03-06


以自述口吻,讽刺醉生梦死的PARTY ANIMAL

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Every morning, I need a cup of coffee
My lunch will always, be a bow of salad
Every afternoon, I do some sport in gym
And late 7 o’clock around, I will meet my friends

‘N we’ll go clubbing - in the night↑
We’ll non-stop dancing - in the night
‘N I’ll drink ‘till I drunk - in the night↑
All in the night, all in the night!

(I’m Beautiful Creature)
Every morning, I need a cup of coffee
My lunch will always, be a bow of salad
Sometimes in weekend, I need to do my hair and nails
And others holidays, I shopping a lot

If you lost your friends on the dance floor,
It’s time to get new friends!
If you lose your money in the casino,
Why don’t you win it back!
If you don’t have fun in that party,
Just come to my place!
We’re Nice, n cool, n smart, n sexy
We’re Beautiful Creature!

(I’m Beautiful Creature)
(I got the world)
(we’re Beautiful Creature)
(we got the world)

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