Why Fall In Love When I Can Fall Asleep
Why Fall In Love When I Can Fall Asleep

Why Fall In Love When I Can Fall Asleep


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Why Fall In Love When I Can Fall Asleep

Why Fall In Love When I Can Fall Asleep


发表时间 2022-05-30


躺平族的爱情观 - 要去爱,不如去睡觉 宅在家里 滑手机
要取悦别人 不如取悦自己
那个她 等天荒地老再寻找吧

词/曲/编曲: Jack

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歌词 动态歌词

Why fall in love if I can fall asleep
I only have myself to please
And why on earth that should I care?
When no-one has their time to spare

Why bother waste my time to throw myself out there
When I can lie in my bed with my phone
Why bother have my heart breaking and ach-ing
I might as well just stay home

(Why) fall in love if I can fall asleep
Please myself is all I need
Someone out there could be mine
Let her wait till end of time

Why bother waste my time to throw myself out there
When I can lie in my bed with my phone
Why bother have my heart breaking and ach-ing
I might as well just stay home

(Why) fall in love if I can fall asleep
Please myself is all I need
Someone out there could be mine
Let her wait till end of time
Someone out there could be mine
Let her wait till end of time

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