Give and destroy
Give and destroy

Give and destroy


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Give and destroy

Give and destroy


发表时间 2007-02-26


看著你 手中的笔 能写出什么
已经撕开的心理面 究竟能够藏著什么

想要你 你不在这里
看看你 到底在哪里
找到你 你只牵著另一个世界的手

Unknown I still fall in love
But I actually stand in blood
Now you want to break it off
So my curse will never disappear

难怪你 从头到底 总是有借口
说著漂漂亮亮的话 堂堂正正的拒绝我

To my tear never feel sorry
What I hear is you said to him
All my fear is from your lies.
My inferiority

Unknown I still fall in love
But I actually stand in blood
Now you want to break it off
1 2 for sex 5 6 for what?

难怪你 从头到底 总是有借口
说著漂漂亮亮的话 堂堂正正的拒绝我

To my tear never feel sorry
What I hear is you said to him
All my fear is from your lies.
My inferiority

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