until summer
until summer

until summer


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until summer

until summer


发表时间 2024-09-09



终于把until summer编曲拿出来完善🌚


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When sunrise woke me up in the darkness.
you still were here in light.
that moment,
so much cold air o'clock me on the window.
it seemed to make me feel better and take my sorrow,anyhow.

The temperature drop like a plane down to the heart of space sea.
I would fall into the water.
it would be surrounding me and i have a short good time.

But it's just a complicated dream
and the end is not always as desired.
i should let time go back as before.
Maybe this feeling will last until summer.
but i dont care ,just leave me alone.
it's ok, everything will be ok.
I say to myself this way.

The temperature drop like a plane down to the heart of space sea.
I would fall into the water.
it would be surrounding me and i have a short good time.

But it's just a fairyland dream.
when it is over, i have to go back to my life.
My honest wishes.
maybe it's broken.
Maybe this feeling will last until summer.
but i dont care ,just leave me alone.
it's ok, everything will be ok.
I say to myself this way.

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