根 root
根 root

根 root


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根 root

根 root


发表时间 2025-01-05


《根 root》

唱 / 曲 / 词 / 编
Vocal / Composed / Lyrics / Arranged: leungarto


Floating in the sky for a long time, you eager to land on the ground to feel the real feeling. Out of breath on the seabed, you swam back to the surface extremely in order to breath more oxygen.


Have you ever felt this way in your life? You can see the end point, you hope that can rest for a little finally. Behind this eagerness, there is a hint of fear, you fear that this end point will be suddenly disappeared, then leave you without place to go.

MV Production:
导演 Director: leungarto
摄影 Cinematography: 梁皓楷 ( @leunghokai )
演出 Starring: Stacey Leung, leungarto
剪辑 Editor: leungarto

Spotify - leungarto: https://open.spotify.com/artist/24s0EA2F8AhkkPtLsZkut7?si=iqcsP55hRd67ggn-ddfDcw&fbclid=IwAR1TAzNda7kUgXVFNSmIVlUcgtF06iG_RcaLT6A6GScIrd3S_1PmHpQ_798&nd=1
Apple Music - leungarto : https://music.apple.com/hk/artist/leungarto/1611408897?ls
KKBOX - leungarto: https://kkbox.fm/AP3qKO
Bandcamp - leungarto: https://leungarto.bandcamp.com/
StreetVoice 街声 - leungarto: https://streetvoice.com/leungarto
Mugazine 摩格声 YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCneOFxFBwQCbwi4hmZgLwHg

#根root #leungarto #leunghokai #staceyleung #mugazinehk #香港创作 #独立创作 #indie #原创音乐 #indiemusic #hkmusic

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低谷的音域在膨涨 悬浮在耳边轻轻作响
到达了菩提 觉悟到梦呓 喘口气呼口气 变出

流水的压力 燃烧的两极 告别这 这微笑 笑里暗处回忆
把琐碎 手心里 凝固成星体寄居

根据的 深远的
飘泊的 清脆的

在倾刻里发觉 身躯软弱无力去探索 日与日 日以继夜 轮回游荡
走一里 攀海峡 朝著悬崖的灯塔 背负往昔的结集 再攀

流水的压力 燃烧的两极 告别这 这微笑 笑里暗处回忆
把琐碎 手心里 凝固成星体寄居

根据的 深远的
飘泊的 清脆的

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