Traveling far away 远行
Traveling far away 远行

Traveling far away 远行


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Traveling far away 远行

Traveling far away 远行

wenhui.Luo 罗文辉
wenhui.Luo 罗文辉

发表时间 2024-09-20


我总想要有一天 I always want one day
我能走得很遥远 I can walk very far away
直到喧嚣听不见 Until the noise can no longer be heard
直到青山在眼前 Until the green mountains are in front of us
放下所有的埋怨 Let go of all the complaints
骑上雄鹰去盘旋 Riding an eagle and circling around
脱掉伪装和杂念 Remove disguise and distractions
沐浴山间的清泉 Bathing in the clear springs of the mountains
我总想要有一天 I always want one day
我能走得很遥远 I can walk very far away
没有编造的谎言 No fabricated lies
没有乌云遮满天 There are no dark clouds covering the sky
戴上你穿的项链 Wear the necklace you made
找到洁白的雪莲 Find the pure white snow lotus
向着远方地平线 Towards the distant horizon
寻觅前世的尘缘 Searching for the dust of the past life
我要一路走向前 I want to walk all the way forward
不怕风雨和雷电 Not afraid of wind, rain, and lightning
崎岖山路上蜿蜒 Winding along the rugged mountain road
借宿山下的炊烟 Staying overnight at a place with smoke from cooking at the foot of the mountain
我要一路走向前 I want to walk all the way forward
左边悬崖右深渊 Left cliff, right abyss
仰望白色的山巅 Looking up at the white mountaintop
默念心中的宿愿 Silently reciting the old wish in one's heart

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wenhui.Luo 罗文辉

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