Hair turned white overnight 壹夜白头
Hair turned white overnight 壹夜白头

Hair turned white overnight 壹夜白头


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Hair turned white overnight 壹夜白头

Hair turned white overnight 壹夜白头

wenhui.Luo 罗文辉
wenhui.Luo 罗文辉

发表时间 2024-09-22

歌词 动态歌词

你走了以后 After you left
我一夜白头 My hair turned white overnight
你蓄谋已久 You have been plotting for a long time
我瞬间承受 I have to accept this fact in an instant
我现在满脑袋装的都是你的脸颊 All I have in my mind now is your cheeks
我现在满耳朵响的都是你说的话 I can only hear what you said in the past now
我现在一闭眼就是你和现在的他 As soon as I close my eyes, a picture of you and him now appears
我现在一睁眼才知道自已不在嘎洒 I only realize now when I open my eyes that I'm not in Gasa
你走了以后 After you left
我一夜白头 My hair turned white overnight
你蓄谋已久 You have been plotting for a long time
我瞬间承受 I have to accept this fact in an instant
你常去的超市我不敢再去啦 I dare not go to the supermarket you often go to anymore
怕忘了你不在身边泪如雨下 I'm afraid I'll forget that you're not by my side, tears streaming down my face
你忘在我床头的那个黑色发卡 The black hairpin you left by my bedside
将是我一生中最珍贵的宝啊 It will be the most precious treasure of my life
你走了以后 After you left
我一夜白头 My hair turned white overnight
你蓄谋已久 You have been plotting for a long time
我瞬间承受 I have to accept this fact in an instant
你走了以后 After you left
我一夜白头 My hair turned white overnight
你蓄谋已久 You have been plotting for a long time
我瞬间承受 I have to accept this fact in an instant
你走了以后 After you left
我一夜白头 My hair turned white overnight
你蓄谋已久 You have been plotting for a long time
我瞬间承受 I have to accept this fact in an instant

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wenhui.Luo 罗文辉

That day, my hair turned completely white. I thought I would become a white haired man in the future, but gradually it turned black again. It seems that mental illness, like physical illness, requires time to heal

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