Say Goodbye 说再见
Say Goodbye 说再见

Say Goodbye 说再见


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Say Goodbye 说再见

Say Goodbye 说再见

Moonrize 李映霏
Moonrize 李映霏

  • Song of the Day

发表时间 2019-09-27



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Radio said 从收音机宣布
Radio said 从收音机宣布
Today would be the day Pluto would be downgraded 今天是冥王星被除名的日子
Walking on the street 走在街道上
Walking on street suddenly 走在街道上突然
Heard the news and I felt lonely 听到这个消息我感到有点寂寞
Remember then 记得那个时候
We used to like this mystery planet 我们曾经一起喜欢过这颗星球
Although cold and alienated 虽然它既冰冷又疏离
But in my eyes 但在我的眼里
In faraway sight 在遥远的地方
This little planet flickers lonely from the darkest side 这颗小星球独自在最黑的地方闪烁著
I wonder why 我想知道为什么
It was stripped of planet status and today reclassified 它被剥夺了行星的状态并在今天重新分类
I think and close my eyes 我闭上我的眼睛在想
Why 为什么

Time after time 时间推移
Nothing alters inside 本质没有任何改变
But the status of us doesn’t look right 但外在的状态却好像不太对
I believe 我相信
Time after time 时间推移
Nothing alters inside 本质没有改变
But the status of us changes by time 但我们的状态却随著时间改变了
I think there's no why 我想这并没有为什么
We all have to let go sometimes 有时候我们该就受该让它走
It's just time flows by 只是时间流过
It's just time flows by 只是时间流过
It's just time flows by 只是时间流过
It’s just time to say goodbye 只是该说再见的时候

Now we are strangers tonight 今晚的我们已经是陌生人了
Memories flash back to my mind 回忆涌现我的心头
If something's doomed to pass by 有些事物就是注定离去
You don't yearn then you won't cry 不恋旧的人不伤心

Walking on street 走在街道上
Walking on street now I'm humming 我走在街道上哼著歌
This song used to be our favorite 这曾经是我们最爱的曲子
Familiar sight 熟悉的光景
Familiar sight I can see 我看见熟悉的光景
Used to walked the street by your side 在这条街上以前我总是走在你身旁
We met here 我们在这里相遇
Record shop is closed down right now 但这间唱片行也已经歇业了
We had good old days in here 我们曾经在这有过许多美好的时光
Why 为什么

Time after time 时间推移
Nothing alters inside 本质没有任何改变
But the status of us doesn’t look right 但外在的状态却不太对
I believe 我相信
Time after time 时间推移
Nothing alters inside 本质没有任何改变
But the status of us changes by time 但我们的状态却改变了
I believe 我相信
Time after time 时间推移
Nothing alters inside 本质没有改变
But what between us changes by time 但我们之间却改变了
I think there's no why 我想这没有为什么
We all have to let go sometimes 有时候时候我们就该接受让它走
It's just time flows by 只是时间流过
It's just time flows by 只是时间流过
It's just time flows by 只是时间流过
It’s just time to say goodbye 只是该说再见的时候


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