Take Her Away (Demo)
Take Her Away (Demo)

Take Her Away (Demo)


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Take Her Away (Demo)

Take Her Away (Demo)


发表时间 2009-12-15


Take Her Away (带她走)

词/曲:小包 编曲:NPRH

My friend, do you forget?
朋友, 你忘了吗?
You said, we can make it perfect.
你说, 我们总能让事情变的完美
We were ever together, but now we're just strangers.
我们曾经形影不离, 为何现在只是两名陌生个体
Who is suffered from the jail that is called her name.
究竟是你还是我, 被困在称为"她"的监牢里

You said, we are the best friend.
你说, 我们是最好的朋友
But now it's not the fact, just take off all the mask.
那早已不是事实, 就此拿掉我们所有面具吧
(It's time to get, it’s time to leave.)
是时候争取了, 也是时候离开了
Give up the surface.

The time stares our way. (Tell me we can't back.)
时间凝视著我们的脚步 (诉说著我们已无法回头)
The world empty the man. (You turn to worst nightmare.)
世界现实的让人空虚 (只因你成为我最大的噩梦)

Get out of all these and turn on the darkness we made,
抛下所有的一切 释放我们所造成的愚昧
but we just never say it's over.
Though I was stupid but don't see this like a mistake,
虽然我是如此愚蠢 但请别将这份友情视为一场错误
I want you take her away.

There’re so much terms I have to say, but it’s not the end.
有很多话我想对你说, 但其实不只是这样而已
But now it's not the fact, just take off all the mask.
可惜那已无法成为事实, 就此拿掉我们所有面具吧
(It's time to get, it’s time to leave.)
是时候争取了, 也是时候离开了
Give up the surface.

The time stares our way. (Tell me we can't back.)
时间凝视著我们的脚步 (诉说著我们已无法回头)
The world empty the man. (You turn the worst nightmare.)
世界现实的让人空虚 (只因你成为我最大的噩梦)

Get out of all these and turn on the darkness we made,
抛下所有的一切 释放我们所造成的愚昧
but we just never say it's over.
Though I was stupid but don't see this like a mistake,
虽然我是如此愚蠢 但请别将这份友情视为一场错误
I want you take her away.
I want you take her away.
I want you take her away.

For the weaker friendship, we’ll still be happy and be the fake.
为了日渐脆弱的友情, 我们仍强颜欢笑的骗著自己
Forget all the things we did, never pretend as normal day.
忘掉所有一起的事吧, 别再逼自己装的跟平常一样了

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