

巴奈.库穗 (母语名Panai,中文名柯美黛)


台湾最有重量的声音 同样是来自台东的原住民歌手。如果说;陈建年、纪晓君的音乐贴近自然,歌咏风、海洋、山林、色彩晴朗;巴奈的歌,则显得色调浓重而沈郁,勾勒著她流浪各地的足迹。背著吉他,游走在天地之间,这样的背影或许看来苍凉而传奇。但是,去听她的歌、去读她的词,你会遇见一种熟悉的感觉,疏离与寂寞,久藏心底,被她的歌声召唤而出,轻触即四处漫溢。听巴奈现场的人都说会内伤,有时就干脆直接承认;害怕听她那些真实而坦白的旋律。在界限模糊、是非浑沌的这个世代,这样一种斩钉截铁的声音,已经很难听见了。

Panai is a self-taught singer-songwriter of the Puyuma and Amis tribes of southeastern Taiwan. She spent her childhood traveling with her family through the cities and countryside of Taiwan, following available employment, and her music reflects a life of wandering and yearning for home. Panai's songs forge eclectic influences into a passionate style that has led many to call her the Tracy Chapman of Taiwan.

Panai's first album “Ni wa-wa” was released in 2000 and received an award as one of the top 10 albums of the year by the China Times. In 2001, the live album “Pau-dull and Panai Live” was released. Panai's next studio album will be released in 2008.

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