The best for us-Demo
The best for us-Demo

The best for us-Demo


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The best for us-Demo

The best for us-Demo

王派克 Patrick
王派克 Patrick

发表时间 2023-10-26


Why, why is it so hard to let you get out of my life
Why I can’t let you go and I’m here thinking of you alone
In my room
Why I can’t move on
You’re in my mind all the time

Hey I just want to know do u miss me like I miss you
Every night I look to the stars and think about you
I don’t know where you are I don’t know what you doing
But all I want is to see you the last time

But I need to realize
That you’re gone
And I should let you go
It’s going to be hard
But I know that’s the best for us

It’s been a year that we are
In the same situation
You just, want attention
And I want your love

I feel that I’m not enough
And you feel that I don’t trust you
So let’s give up
This fucked up relation

We need to realize
All is gone
And we should let it go
It’s going to be hard
But we know that’s the best for us

Why, why was it so hard to let you get out of my life?
But now I've let you go, no longer thinking of you alone,
In my room, I'm moving on,
You're no longer in my mind all the time.

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