the mist
the mist

the mist

Singer / SongwriterConundrum

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the mist

the mist

per se
per se

  • Song of the Day

发表时间 2017-05-02


“All of this started when the whispers in your head, they said, we all belong to...”

【the mist】a song in《Conundrum》from per se

per se:
Stephen Mok - vocals, guitars
Sandy Ip - vocals, keyboards

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【the mist】
Composed // per se
Lyrics // per se
Arranged // per se
Produced // Victor Tse & Stephen Mok @ per se

how can we stay?
in this delusion
seven foot prison
dust covered blinds

how can we sing?
our voice has been taken
colors are seeping
out of our eyes

and I
what I'd give to go back
to the day you faded, decided to
leave me here

and I
what I'd give to take back
when they said they'd save you, fix you
I realized
there's a mist inside

holding your breath beneath the water
counting numbers until you remember
all of this started when the whispers in your head
they said, we all belong to

sink into the mist

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qwq哈喽你好我是大陆这边的小伙伴(不会打繁体字抱歉),大概是去年五月左右听到这首歌,昨天刚刚参加了ends的众筹,我也不知道我想说什么,就是超级想和两位小哥哥小姐姐说上话。不太了解这首歌是什么风格,但就是静静的又不静,陪了我到现在(因为不能下载还一直买不到盘只好录下来听,大陆这边的流量很贵qwq)。今年六月份要高考啦,所以五月底的音乐会我去不上了,下次的演出我一定要去。以后有机会的话好想见见两位做歌的样子,毕竟大陆这边原创的歌还是要差一些的qwq。啊最后请问下这些歌是用logic做的嘛,我不太懂qwq。希望可以得到回复,只是一个表情也好? 。(不知道如何私信,所以只好都写在第一首听得per se的歌的留言里啦)

per se


不插电放空旅程 - 5月4日
@Legacy Mini / 8pm

我们就一起大步出走吧 - 5月5日
@后台 Backstage Café / 8pm

《真伪文青的谜团》 - 5月6日
@海边的卡夫卡 / 8pm