Ember - Dying
Ember - Dying

Ember - Dying


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Ember - Dying

Ember - Dying


发表时间 2024-05-24


Dying 属于我们第三首作品,亦是悲伤的五个阶段,当中的第二个阶段“怨恨”。
意念在听到 the city is Dying 这一词。 我们在已改变的城市,找寻生存、生活的方式。我们还有能力、力量改变吗? 此曲衹在对世界的发问和控诉,我们可有答案吗?

Dying is our third single and is also about the five stages of grief, the second stage of which is "Anger".
The mind hears the words the city is Dying. We are looking for ways to survive and live in the changed city.  Do we still have the ability and strength to change? This song only questions and accuses the world. Do we have the answer ?

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if the world could fit in me
it would be easy to keep it calm
Live in lies, I can't stand anymore
So, I cry as hard I can
What would be a good reason for me to survive in this dying City
*So young and helpless
No one can hold you back
I feel the air when I’ve been breathless *
Cut the line to make me feel alive This is my life!
Someday I can reach the light Now I know, I won't fall again
*I can’t Breathe!
I can't leave!
We are the sleepwalkers running in crying fog!
I can’t Breathe!
I can't leave!
We fight for Liberty
with all might we strike! *

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